Home repair services

We are qualified and experienced to carry out almost any repair in your home, whether exterior or interior. Our extensive construction experience allows us to deal with many aspects of home repair: plumbing, electrical, flooring, roofing, painting, texturing, floating, drywall, framework, cabinetry, countertops, doors, and windows, to name a few. We even do foundation and concrete construction.

We have the tools and experience to repair efficiently and economically. Our extensive knowledge of construction materials allows us to affect any repair, bring your home back to perfection, or even modify things you desire.

Why choose ECO Construction for any handyman repair?


We know that any work in your home will disrupt your day-to-day living. Things can get messy if the work includes repairing more oversized items, such as flooring or countertops. That is the reason we meticulously schedule to affect any repair in the shortest time possible. If the job requires more than one day to be accomplished, we clean and organize the work area every time we leave for the day.


If you seek high-quality work, our craftsmanship is second to none. Once again, our years of experience provide us with plenty of knowledge to affect the repair in the most professional way possible. We only make things better.


Since we are a full-fledged construction company, we have the resources and knowledge to do even complex home repairs. So, no matter the nature of the repair, we will work with you to get the best results possible, often exceeding your expectations.

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